Jenkins Cluster


  • Fully dedicated resources
  • Regular CPU for server and agent (up to 4.8 GHz)
  • 3 GB Ram (2GB for server & 1GB for agent)
  • 20 GB of NVMe Storage
  • Access through web browser
  • SSL verification


  • Fully dedicated resources
  • 2X faster CPU for server and agent (up to 4.8 GHz)
  • 6 GB Ram (4GB for server & 2GB for agent)
  • 40 GB of NVMe Storage
  • Access through web browser
  • SSL verification

Gitea Repository


  • Fully dedicated resources
  • Regular CPU for server (up to 4.8 GHz)
  • 1 GB Ram
  • 10 GB of NVMe Storage
  • Access through web browser
  • SSL verification


  • Fully dedicated resources
  • 2X faster CPU for server (up to 4.8 GHz)
  • 2 GB Ram
  • 20 GB of NVMe Storage
  • Access through web browser
  • SSL verification

Visual Studio Code Server


  • Fully dedicated resources
  • Regular CPU for server (up to 4.8 GHz)
  • 2 GB Ram
  • 10 GB of NVMe Storage
  • Access through web browser
  • SSL verification


  • Fully dedicated resources
  • 2X faster CPU for server (up to 4.8 GHz)
  • 4 GB Ram
  • 20 GB of NVMe Storage
  • Access through web browser
  • SSL verification

* All the indicated prices are in USD.

* An Invoice will be generated at the end of each calendar month for all your subscriptions.

* Minimum processing fee per each billing cycle (monthly invoice) is $1 USD.

* limit of 3 subscriptions per organization. (contact us for increasing the limit)

* You will only be charged if you had an active service during the billing cycle.

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